Join Fraise Cafe Team.

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We are seeking experienced baristas, crepe makers, and pastry chefs. Looking for a long term rewarding career? Fraise plans to expand into multiple locations in Southern California, starting in Orange County.

    Drawing on their respective experiences in the hospitality industry, the duo imagined a place celebrating.

    +39 399 461 1608

    Andé Restaurant 767 5th Avenue, Paris 10021, France

    Opening Hour:
    Mon – Fri : 9.00am – 22.00pm, Holidays : Close

    Enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch with delightful crepes, salads, pastries, and refreshing drinks. Relax and let us make your dining experience unforgettable.


    2504 East Chapman Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831

    Opening Hour:
     7.00am – 3.00pm Daily


    Opening Time

    Mon – Fri: 08:00 am – 09:00pm
    Sat – Sun: 10:00 am – 11:00pm
    Holiday: Close

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