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Fusce ut bibendum sem. Proin hendrerit ante vel nibh gravida ultrices. Sed
vitae pharetra eros, morbi at ipsum non.

Prickly Pear Tonic

Sed est risus, dignissim quis nisl et, semper convallis lacus. Vestibulum semper interdum dui in pretium. Nam dapibus ac odio non pellentesque. In in fermentum mi, eget egestas eros. Nunc venenatis iaculis massa sit amet luctus. Aliquam et ligula ut arcu suscipit efficitur. Sed ut ante quam. Duis et finibus magna. Maecenas vitae neque augue.

Integer ornare magna purus, sed faucibus ipsum luctus sit amet. Fusce euismod leo eget ex commodo auctor. Praesent id nisl at felis ultrices laoreet nec sit amet libero.


With specific ingredients: Tuna accounted for 43%, cabbage 8%, potatoes and carrots 7%. The rest is soybean oil, sweet corn, peas, chili sauce, ketchup, wheat. With spices, flavor enhancers and yeast extracts


Calories: 191
Fat: 1.4g
Sodium: 83mg
Carbohydrates: 0g

Fiber: 0g
Sugar: 0g
Protein: 42g

About fat: Tuna contains healthy fats like omega 3 fatty acids but is low in fat overall (less than 2 grams per can). However, different types of tuna will have different amounts of fat. The following tuna varieties are listed in order from fattest to least fatty: fresh bluefin, canned white albacore, canned light tuna, fresh skipjack and fresh yellowfin.
About protein: Tuna is a protein-rich food. One can of tuna contains 42 grams of complete protein and many essential amino acids.


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Name: Prickly Pear Tonic
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Drawing on their respective experiences in the hospitality industry, the duo imagined a place celebrating.

+39 399 461 1608

Andé Restaurant 767 5th Avenue, Paris 10021, France

Opening Hour:
Mon – Fri : 9.00am – 22.00pm, Holidays : Close

Enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch with delightful crepes, salads, pastries, and refreshing drinks. Relax and let us make your dining experience unforgettable.


2504 East Chapman Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831 info.fraisecafe@gmail.com

Opening Hour:
 7.00am – 3.00pm Daily


Opening Time

Mon – Fri: 08:00 am – 09:00pm
Sat – Sun: 10:00 am – 11:00pm
Holiday: Close

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